It took me a couple days to get through the LibQUAL+ literature. Today I'm going to work on writing that section of my literature review. I did run across some interesting material which was critical of LibQUAL+ and the whole SERVQUAL/gaps model approach to measuring service quality. That will add a useful dimension to the lit review, but also gave me some additional, alternate project ideas.

In particular I liked the survey created by Einasto (2009), based on the SERVPERF model. SERVPERF uses a single measure, rather than the three-part SERVQUAL/LibQUAL+ model of acceptable level/perceived level/desired level. Eianasto used a single, 7-point Likert scale, but mapped each number to a point on a range that still incorporated the idea of user expectations (from 1 = "does not meet my expectations at all" to 7 = "corresponds to an entirely acceptable level").
Einasto, O. (2009). Using service quality monitoring to support library management decisions: A case study from Estonia. The International Information & Library Review, 41(1), 12-20. doi:10.1016/j.iilr.2008.08.001
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